Eine SSH Anmeldung ist nicht möglich und die Plesk Anmeldung schlägt mit folgender Fehlermeldung auf einem Strato Server fehl:

Lock Manager error: ‚[LockManagerException] Can’t open or create shared memory by shm.name: „/run/lock/lmlib/SharedLockManagerStorage0.2.3“; shm.start_size: „8388608“; error „No such file or directory“‚.



1. Logged into Strato.

2. Went to Server Management.

3. Put Server in Recovery Mode.

4. SSH’t to it with # ssh [email protected]

5. Removed all spaces from the password that is provided on the Strato Recovery Page you get to see when you start you’re strato vps in Recovery mode.

6. Finally connected to Repair mode with ssh:

vi /repair/var/spool/cron/crontabs/root

6.1 Type i for insert, then put the following line:

@reboot mkdir -p /run/lock/lmlib ; chown root:lock-manager /run/lock/lmlib ; chmod -R 0770 /run/lock/lmlib ; mkdir /var/run/sshd ; chmod 0755 /var/run/sshd ; /etc/init.d/ssh restart

6.2 Now press escape and after that :wq and ENTER, for saving.“

7. Go back to the Strato page click on the tab „RecoveryManager“ again you pressed to go into recovery. A button will appear to start the server normally again.

8. Leave the line where it is. Do not remove it afterwards. Because then you will have to do it all over again. Trust me I’ve been there.


Quellen: https://support.plesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000224773-Plesk-is-not-accessible-Can-t-open-or-create-shared-memory-by-shm-name


Kategorien: Plesk

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