„Actions for iPad“ ist  eine praktische App um Programme auf seinem Rechner / Mac vom iPad aus zu bedienen. Folgende Features bietet die App:

  • Mac & Win compatibility
  • Wi-fi syncing with auto-reconnection
  • Works in landscape and portrait
  • Retina Graphics
Organize your actions in Sets and Subsets
Highly customizable (Sizes, Colors & Icons)
  • 900 icons to choose from for your touchpads
  • Multitouch gestures for most used actions
  • Automatic set switching
  • Target actions to a specific app
  • Built in shortcut action presets for the most popular applications, such as:

Ableton Live, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop, Aperture, Evernote, Excel, Internet Explorer, Final Cut, Finder, Firefox, Garageband, Chrome, iCal, iMovie, iPhoto, iTunes, Keynote, Logic Pro, Mail, Notes, Numbers, Outlook, Pages, Pixelmator, Powerpoint, Reeder, Reminders, Safari, TextEdit, Vlc, Word, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Media Player

[app 564645608]


Kategorien: iPad

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